Posts Tagged 'Annotation'

Batman: Heart of Hush

Batman’s arch nemesis the Hush was first introduced as Tommy Elliot in November of 2002. At the time, readers of the book only knew him as a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. It wasn’t until September 2003 that the character evolved into the bandaged, nefarious individual that we know today. Despite being a fairly new character, he has become quite important to the Batman universe.

In Batman: Heart of Hush, which collects Detective Comics #846-#850, Elliot is inspired to make another attempt on Batman’s life after hearing the Black Glove planed to do the same. He, as those that follow Batman know, is well-versed in the ins and outs of Bruce Wayne’s life and those he cares about; he also knows that Wayne moonlights as Batman. Immediately, Hush attempts to use the folks Wayne/Batman cares about most (Catwoman, Robin, Nightwing) to ensnare him in a trap he can’t get out of.

This is an excellent graphic novel that leads directly into the infamous Batman: R.I.P. storyline. If you managed to miss Detective Comics #846-#850, you may pick up Batman: Heart of Hush at the Muhlenberg County Public Libraries.